Creating new users (assessors, project team members, project managers)

Below are instructions to add new authority users to AWARD® at the account level. If you are looking to add users to a project please click here.


To create a single user (Basic)


Create the record

  1. Log in to AWARD (you will need to be a user with administration privileges)
  2. Click on the Administration tab 
  3. Click on the Users tab to open the users screen then click Create to open the create user page.
  4. Enter the user details completing all mandatory " * " fields.
     Note: usernames and display names must be unique. 
  5. Set the user Role if appropriate (leave blank for standard assessors).
  6. Click Create then Close to save the record 


Send the login details

  1. From the Users screen > Select the record(s) created and click the amber Actions button
  2. Click Send User Name & Reset Password - 2 emails will be sent to the email address you have entered against your user.
  3. Close - you are returned to the Users page



To add multiple users (Advanced)


If you have a large number of users to add they are often created by importing all the appropriate details from a spreadsheet or document. 


To import a list of pre-defined Users into the Account: 

  • Log in to AWARD (you will need to be a user with administration privileges)
  • Click on the Administration tab 
  • Click on the Users tab to open the users screen then click Import to open the import user page.
  • To create your predefined list: Copy the Data headings to a spreadsheet 
  • Complete the user details in the spreadsheet ensuring all data is in the appropriate column.
    Note: you must include details for the columns: User name | Display Name | Email | Status (can be Active, Inactive, Archived) | AWARD Administrator (Y or N) | Can Create Projects  (Y or N) 
  • Copy the spreadsheet contents (include all headers) and paste into the Data field on the import page
  • Click Import 
     Note: if there are any errors AWARD will flag these and the import will not complete.
  • If import is successful you are returned to the Users page, ready to send your users their log in details.


For further guidance on creating new users, and to see explanations of each field in greater detail, please consult the attached guide. This guide is relevant to AWARD® Account Administrators.


Hannah is the author of this solution article.

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